MYSQLのテーブル破損 修復方法



mysql> check table mt_comment quick;
| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| xxxxxxx.mt_comment | check | warning | 4 clients is using or hasn't closed the table properly |
| xxxxxx.mt_comment | check | status | OK |


mysql> check table mt_comment extended;
| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| xxxxxx.mt_comment | check | warning | Table is marked as crashed |
| xxxxxx.mt_comment | check | error | Found too long record at 2925500 |
| xxxxxx.mt_comment | check | error | Corrupt |


mysql> repair table mt_comment ;
| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| xxxxxx.mt_comment | repair | info | Found block with too small length at 2925500; Skipped |
| xxxxxx.mt_comment | repair | info | Found block with too small length at 3445396; Skipped |
| xxxxxx.mt_comment | repair | info | Wrong bytesec: 45-101-109 at 4124404; Skipped |
| xxxxxx.mt_comment | repair | warning | Number of rows changed from 23143 to 23112 |
| xxxxxx.mt_comment | repair | status | OK |